-Original passport
- 6 months valid from the date of travel
- Should be E-Passport already with a chip-like image on the outside cover, old passport cannot be accepted by
the Embassy
- Submit original and Old passport if used in OECD countries within the last five years
- Photocopy of passport’s first page (ID page) and visa or arrival stamps to any OECD countries within the last 4 yrs
-1 Passport sized picture with white background
- Completely filled-out computerized visa application form with signature that is hand written printed in A4
Requirements as per qualification for Korean Tourist Visa
- Original Employment Certificate
o Must include applicant’s position, date hired, compensation, address, date of certificate issuance,
office landline number (cell phone number is not allowed), email address.
- Photocopy of Company Identification Card
- Original Personal Bank Certificate
o Must include account type, current balance, account opening date, 6 months average balance
-Original Bank Statement
o Original or certified true copy of bank statement or copy of passbook for the last 3 months
-Photocopy of Latest Individual Income Tax Return (ITR)
o Form 2316 With personal tax identification number
o Form 1604 CF / Company Alphalist With BIR received stamp (Name should be highlighted)
- Photocopy of NSO Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
- Copy of PRC Card or IBP Card (If applicable only)

- Photocopy of Business registration from SEC or DTI
o Must be in complete set, including the name of the incorporators, etc.
- Photocopy of Updated Mayor’s Business Permit
- Original Personal Bank Certificate
o Must include account type, current balance, account opening date, 6 months average balance
- Original Bank Statement
o Original or certified true copy of bank statement or copy of passbook for the last 3 months
-Photocopy of Latest Individual Income Tax Return (ITR)
o Form 1701 With personal tax identification number and receipt
- Photocopy of NSO Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
- Copy of PRC Card or IBP Card (If applicable only)

- Photocopy of NSO/PSA Marriage Certificate
-Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
-Original Personal Bank Certificate
o Must include account type, current balance, account opening date, 6 months average balance
- Original Bank Statement
o Original or certified true copy of bank statement or copy of passbook for the last 3 months
-Original Affidavit of Support (Notarized)
-Legal spouse’s Documents, whichever is applicable (as Employee or Businessman)
-Original School Certificate
-Photocopy of School Identification Card
-Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
-Original Affidavit of Support (Notarized)
-Parents’ Documents, whichever is applicable (as Employee or Businessman)
*If parents already have a valid visa, attach photocopy of parents' valid visa. If not travelling together with parents, attach
photocopy of passport or valid ID of parents.
* If financially supported by relatives other than parents, submit affidavit, financial documents and proof of relationship
(Allowed are siblings, grandparents, aunt/uncle)
-Photocopy of Senior Citizen Identification Card
-Original Certificate of Retirement
- Original Personal Bank Certificate
o Must include account type, current balance, account opening date, 6 months average balance
- Original Bank Statement
o Original or certified true copy of bank statement/passbook for the last 3 months
- Photocopy of other proof of funds such as Land titles, Vehicle registration, Pension Certificate, Country Club
or Golf Club, Stocks
- Photocopy of NSO Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
-Photocopy of Contract
- Photocopy of Company ID
-Photocopy of Residential ID
-Original Personal Bank Certificate (Local Bank)
-Original Personal Bank Statement(Local Bank)
-Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
- Copy of Seaman's book
-Copy of Medical Certificate
- Copy of OEC Receipt & Copy of Overseas Employment Certificate(OEC)
- Original Guarantee Letter from Manning / Shipping Company in the Philippines (No given format)
-Copy of 2 Guarantee Letters from Korean Company (Refer to the format in the Korean Embassy website)
- Copy of Korean Company business permit
- Copy of Church SEC in the Philippines
- Certification from Church Original
If Employed:
-Employment Certificate Original (must include applicant's position, date hired, compensation, office address, HR
landline number (cell-phone number is not allowed), HR e-mail address)
-Photocopy of ITR (Income Tax Return) or Form 2316 Copy and Company Alphalist

If Businessmen:
Business Registration from SEC or DTI (Copy),
Business Permit or Mayor's Permit (Copy),
Photocopy of ITR (Income Tax Return) or Form 2316 with corresponding payment receipt from BIR authorized bank

- Original Personal Bank Certificate
o Must include account type, current balance, account opening date, 6 months average balance
Original Bank Statement
o Original or certified true copy of bank statement/passbook for the last 3 months
-Invitation from Korea
-Copy of business permit of Korean church
- Invitation Letter
- Copy of inviter’s ID


- Personal documents of applicant whichever is applicable (ex. Employee or Businessman)
-Original Guarantee letter from the employer/sponsor (companies listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange
- Original Personal Bank Certificate
o Must include account type, current balance, account opening date, 6 months average balance
- Original Bank Statement
o Original or certified true copy of bank statement or copy of passbook for the last 3 months
- Photocopy of Latest Individual Income Tax Return (ITR) or Form 2316
o With personal tax identification number

Documents of the Company:
• Photocopy of Business registration from SEC or DTI
• Photocopy of Updated Mayor’s Business Permit
• Original Bank Certificate
• Original Bank Statement
• Photocopy of Latest Individual Income Tax Return

Note: This is only additional documents for Incentive tour; applicants should provide the employee or businessman
requirements whichever is applicable.

- Inviter’s(Korean/Filipino) Korean Certificate of Marriage History (issued within 3months)
-Inviter’s(Korean/Filipino) NSO Marriage Certificate
- Invitation letter from the Korean National
- Copy of Korean & Filipino's Passport First page (or valid ID)
- NSO Birth Certificate of Applicant
- Certificate of Employment
-Original Personal Bank Certificate
- Original Bank Statement
- ITR 2316
- Inviter’s(Korean/Filipino) Korean Certificate of Marriage History (within 3months)
- Inviter’s(Korean/Filipino) NSO Marriage Certificate
- Copy of Inviter’s(Korean/Filipino) Passport First page or Valid ID card
-Invitation letter from the Korean National
-Invitation Letter
- Photocopy of Inviter's Military ID (Front & Back)
- Photocopy of Military Order
- Photocopy of NSO Marriage Certificate
- Photocopy of USFK Form 166 (submit only if applicable)
- Photocopy of CFO Certificate
- Photocopy of ACR I-Card and Philippine Visa
- Original Personal Bank Certificate
- Original Bank Statement
- If Student: Original School Certificate and Photocopy of School ID
- If Employee: Original Certificate of Employment (must include applicant's position, date hired, compensation,
office address, HR landline number(cell-phone number is not allowed), HR e-mail address), Photocopy of
ITR(Income Tax Return) or Form 2316 Copy
- If Businessman: Photocopy of SEC or DTI, Mayor's Permit, Photocopy of ITR (Income Tax Return) or Form 2316
with corresponding payment receipt from BIR authorized bank
-Copy of Husband's Passport First Page
- Copy of Husband's Alien I.D
- Copy of Husband's Contract or Employment Certificate
-Original NSO Marriage Certificate
-NSO Marriage Certificate
-Certificate of Korean Marriage History (valid for 3months)
- Photocopy of Bio-page of Korean's Passport
- Invitation Letter from Korean Spouse
-Photocopy of Korean's Philippine Visa
-Original Employment Certificate or DTI (or SEC) of Korean Spouse
- Photocopy of Passport Bio-page (page 2)

- Visa Issuance number (should be written on the application form)
- In case of F1 and E6, photocopy of contract
- For Entertainers: Employment Contract, Recommendation from Korea Media Rating Board
- For Athletes: Condition of the Game, Recommendation from Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism
-For English Camp Teachers: Apostilled Diploma, Apostilled Police Record, Copy of Lifelong Education Registration
of Korean Company, English Camp Schedule)
-Invitation Letter from Korean Organization
- Guarantee Letter from Korean Organization
-Photocopy of Korean Organization's Business Permit

-Philippines Last School Record Original
- NSO Birth Certificate
- Financial Supporting Document (if no scholarship grant)
- Original Employment Certificate of Parents (issued within 30 days)
-Original Bank Certificate of Parents/Applicant (issued within 30 days)
-Photocopy of Parents' ITR (Income Tax Return)
- Original Admission Certificate from Korea (issued within 3 months)
- Business Permit of the University in Korea
- Scholarship Exchange Agreement (For Exchange Student only)
- Recommendation issued from Philippine School (For Exchange Student only)


General Visa Application Form